While teaching a course, instructors are expected to:

Set aside an appropriate amount of time each week dedicated to teaching and managing the online course.

Respond to student inquiries within 48 hours. Responding within 24 is highly recommended.

Provide dated class announcements at least weekly in the online classroom. Announcements can be used to remind students of due dates, to let students know that a new conference or lecture has been posted, provide encouragement and positive feedback, etc.

Provide regular grades and feedback with a course, based on expectations outlined in the syllabus.

Communicate to students through email, discussions, assingment feedback, or other tools based on the expectations defined in the syllabus. Students should be informed of extended instructor absences in advance.

Update content as necessary including: spelling, release dates, assessment dates, passwords, and question settings.

Check in with students they haven't heard from, or who are late with assignments.

Compare Banner roster with online roster to ensure enrolled students have access.

Encourage students to complete course evaluations.

Resources for Teaching Online